Discovering Venezuela: 21 Facts


Discovering Venezuela, situated on the northernmost point of South America, is one of the most beautiful nature-blessed countries in the world. You’re undoubtedly aware of some basic facts about Venezuela, such as the fact that it is a Spanish-speaking country once colonized by the Spanish.

Discovering Venezuela


Venezuela is affectionately referred to as the “Land of Grace” and is home to a population of over 30 million people. It is widely acknowledged for its agreeable climate and natural beauty, encompassing everything from the Amazon jungle to high mountain peaks.

The unique country has an outstanding culture, Discovering Venezuela food, and exceptional beaches. It is one of the most stunning destinations to captivate your heart. Despite the recent challenges in getting there, Venezuela is known for numerous attractions worth experiencing.

Various intriguing and entertaining Venezuela facts will provide information about the nation.


A Department Of The Federal Republic Of Gran Colombia

Venezuela was once a department of the Gran Colombian Federal Republic. In 1811, it was the first Spanish-American colony to proclaim independence.


It gained complete independence in 1830 and became a nation. It has retained the name Discovering Venezuela despite various alterations.

The country became known by various titles, ranging from Estado de Venezuela to Republica de Venezuela, until it chose its official name, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Venezuela Is Over 10,000 Years

There is evidence of human occupancy in the region dating back 15,000 years. Isn’t it an intriguing truth about Venezuela?

In Western Venezuela, historical antiques of leaf-shaped tools with chopping and plano-convex scraping instruments from that era have recently been discovered. They appeared in the Rio Pedregal River terraces.

Venezuela Christopher Columbus

The European to enter what is now known as Brazil was Columbus. 

 It happened during Columbus’ third expedition to South America in 1498. This happened before the Spanish began colonizing Venezuela in 1521.

One fascinating Venezuelan statistic is that the country took around 289 years to complete independence from the Spanish in 1810.

Centro Financiero Confinanzas (Tower Of David)

Venezuela has a building called the Tower of David, which is an intriguing fact. Discovering Venezuela third-highest building, this construction is still unfinished.

Centro Financiero Confinanzas (Tower Of David)

The building began in 1990 but ended due to the Venezuelan banking crisis 1994. And it has stayed that way to this day.

However, due to a housing scarcity in Caracas (Venezuela’s capital), many people currently live in the “Tower of David.”

Casa Amarilla De Caracas (Yellow House)

Casa Amarilla De Caracas is a neoclassical structure in Caracas’ Plaza Bolivar. It is a historic edifice once the headquarters of Caracas’ royal prison. The government palace and presidential home were reformed and became later.

It has served as the Ministry of foreign affairs’ headquarters since 1912. It became a National Historic Monument in February 1979.


Tallest Waterfall In The World

Venezuela has the world’s highest waterfall, one of its most appealing features. Angel Falls stands 3212 feet (979 meters) tall and gets its name locally as El Salto Angel.

Jimmy Angel, an American pilot looking for gold in the region, discovered it in 1937. The majestic Angel Falls of Discovering Venezuela are ten times taller than the famed Niagara Falls.

Tabletop Mountains Aplenty

Venezuela has several tabletop mountains, which is intriguing for nature enthusiasts. Pico Bolivar is Venezuela’s tallest summit. It is approximately 16332 feet above sea level. That is about 4978m above sea level.

It is an essential monument in Venezuela since it gets its name from Venezuelan independence hero Simon Bolivar. Trekking is the only way to travel to this peak. A cable car can only take you to a close location from which you can easily trek to the extreme.

Most Lightning Places in The World

Venezuela has the largest concentration of lightning on the planet, which is an intriguing statistic. Maracaibo Lake is famous as Venezuela’s lighthouse and the world’s lightning capital. If you enjoy lightning storms, here is the place to be.

Most Lightning Places in The World

Beautiful Venezuelan Beaches

Due to its proximity to the shore, Venezuela gives citizens and tourists a number of lovely beaches.

Madrisqui Beach on Isla El Gran Roque is one of Venezuela’s best beaches. It has smooth white sand that looks nearly like candy. The seas are not too rough, making them suitable for children and an ideal location for a family holiday.

With fantastic vistas, pubs, and cafés nearby, you could easily spend the entire day there without feeling homesick.

Contemporary Art Museum

In Venezuela, this is a must-see museum. It is a modern art museum in Caracas. Since its inception in 1973, the museum has amassed a collection of approximately 5,000 objects, including works by Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, and Claude Monet. It is on track to become one of Latin America’s most excellent museums.

Inspiration For The Lost World

Mount Roraima in Venezuela is a distinctive structure in keeping with Venezuela’s numerous mountains. It’s a tepui mountain, a sandstone mountain with a flat top. This peak inspired Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Lost World.”


Venezuela Is A Multicultural Country

Venezuela’s official language is Spanish. However, several recognized languages exist in Venezuela. Venezuela has 26 recognized languages besides Spanish, English, and Italian.

Another remarkable feature of Venezuela is its ethnic diversity. Moreno (mixed indigenous, white, and black) comprises more than half of Venezuela’s ethnic group.

Venezuelans Love Their Arepas

Arepas are a Venezuelan staple and are regarded as the country’s national dish. People eat these delectable cornmeal cakes as a filling snack or a full meal throughout the day. In Venezuela, it is also a popular alternative for a substantial breakfast.

Venezuelans generally regard arepas as their national dish. However, if you make it yourself, you may easily tweak it. They can grill, fry, or bake, depending on personal desire.

Venezuelans adore their arepas, which serve as a nourishment source and a cultural emblem. In Venezuela, trying an arepa is a must-do experience.

Highly Festive And Musical

Venezuela is famous for its joyous and musical atmosphere. It has certain cultural aspects with Ecuador. South American countries are renowned for their musical culture and dancing prowess. 

Massive crowds and procession events make Ecuador’s holiday festivals well-known. Venezuela is in the same boat. Every season has a celebration, and there is always a reason to rejoice.

Carnival In Venezuela

Venezuela is famous for its joyous and musical atmosphere. It has certain cultural aspects with Ecuador. South American countries are renowned for their musical culture and dancing prowess. 

Massive crowds and procession events make Ecuador’s holiday festivals well-known. Venezuela is in the same boat. Every season has a celebration, and there is always a reason to rejoice.

Ready To Skate

Many counties and localities have diverse Christmas customs, but Venezuela has its own. One fascinating truth about Venezuela is that no automobiles are on the road around Christmas. The public needs to skate to mass. You may work out and have fun without worrying about being struck by a car. Is there a better way to kick off your Christmas festivities?

Oil Big Country

The country’s poverty levels have made it less pronounced. But one thing about Venezuela is that it has a significant oil resource.

It has roughly 15% of the world’s oil reserves, surpassing only a few nations such as Saudi Arabia. They also participate in the exportation of agricultural goods such as cocoa. 


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