Japan Travel Tips: The Ultimate Guide 2023

Japan Travel Tips

Organizing Your Japan Vacation

First things first: if you’re starting to plan, this section will assist you in selecting the best time, destination, and activities for your trip to Japan!

1. Select the Time of Your Japan Visit

Travel to Japan is possible all year round. Every season has things to offer, from the beautiful autumn foliage and world-class skiing in the winter to the blossoms of cherry in the spring and summer festivals. Every time you visit, there can never be something to enjoy.

The ideal time of year to go to Japan will depend on your choices of people and weather and the experiences you want to have. Regardless of whether you’re heading to the beach or the slopes, the drastic changes in weather demand that you prepare and pack accordingly! Remember that the weather might change dramatically depending on the region of the nation you visit, so be sure to check the forecast for the places you will be going.

2. Where to Go: Top Travel Spots in Japan

Japan offers an astounding array of travel options, matched by an equally incredible variety of activities at each location. Plan your schedule well to ensure you get the most out of your vacation. Event tickets and lodging often sell out during popular vacation seasons, so making advance reservations helps prevent disappointment. See our two-week example itinerary and the rest of our distinctive and immersive sample itineraries for Japan if you need some ideas.

3. Distinctive Japanese Encounters

Japan Travel Tips

Having some exceptional and unforgettable experiences while traveling to Japan is possible. Of course, there are far too many to see in a single trip.

The experiences listed below are some of our best picks for inspiration. Check out our post on 25 must-do activities in Japan to expand your bucket list for even more inspiration.

4. Explore Areas Outside of Major Cities

Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka are the first cities that come to mind when considering Japan. Though not everything the nation offers, these are incredible locations to explore. Try visiting less-traveled locations to learn about Japan, especially if this is not your first visit. Travel to the serene towns of Shikoku, venture north to the wilds of Hokkaido, or see some of the breathtakingly gorgeous islands of Okinawa. You’ll not only be able to avoid the crowd but also get a peek at some of the most genuine and striking aspects of Japanese culture.

5. Stay in a Ryokan for the Night

Japan Travel Tips

We strongly advise spending one or two nights in a ryokan—a traditional, Japanese-style inn—during your vacation. In contrast to ordinary hotels, ryokan is vital to the Japanese experience. Most of them are in rural areas, which makes them ideal for relaxing and revitalizing, taking advantage of the most outstanding Japanese hospitality, you can be sure it will be an experience unlike any other thanks to the onsen baths, futon beds, yukata robes, kaiseki dinners, and minimalist tatami mat rooms!

To have a more comprehensive understanding, explore a ryokan virtually.

6. Visit an Onsen to Experience True Relaxation

Japan’s resorts with onsen (hot springs) provide the height of luxury and tranquillity. Whether you decide on a secluded outdoor setting surrounded by a gorgeous natural landscape or a historic interior bath, they offer an unparalleled, genuine cultural experience you won’t find anywhere else.

The virtual ryokan tour described above has considerably more information regarding the onsen experience, but in the meantime, here are some basic manners to remember:

It is important to carefully wash oneself before entering the onsen to maintain the water’s immaculate quality.

  • Aside from yourself, keep all items of clothes, toiletries, and towels out of the water.
  • Take care while getting out of hot water, and only linger in it briefly if you’re familiar with it.
  •  You may get dizzy due to the high temperatures.
  • If you’re uncomfortable going nude in public, you may want to think about hiring a private onsen. Many upscale ryokan offer hourly rentals, and many have private bathrooms connected to the rooms.

 7. Buddhist Temple Stay

An extended period apart from daily life may be achieved via a spiritual retreat at a Buddhist temple. Staying in a shukubo (temple accommodation) allows visitors to experience Buddhist life, including early morning prayers, meditation sessions, and traditional Buddhist vegetarian meals. You may also meditate actively during certain visits by lending a hand around the temple.

Situated atop the enigmatic Mount Koya, this is one of the greatest sites to witness temple life. It is one of the most revered places in Japan and the best place to experience Zen, with more than 100 Buddhist temples and the eerie Okunoin Cemetery.

8. Choose to go to a Matsuri (Festival)

The matsuri, or festivals in Japan, are furtherance; they embody the nation’s liveliest and most profound, oozing with vibrant colors and exuberance moments.

Attending a festival while traveling will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to sample fresh, genuine street cuisine, see distinctive customs, and fully immerse in a significant aspect of Japanese culture. There are festivals all around the nation over the year, so you should be able to find one to attend, no matter when you visit or how you plan to travel. A fantastic place to start is with our list of the top events in Japan.

9. Support a ball game or sumo match by cheering

Consider going to a sporting event, like sumo or baseball, even if you’re not a sports lover, to get insight into a distinct aspect of Japanese society.

Only six sumo tournaments are held yearly, full-day, historically rich events. If a match isn’t possible for you, you may still attend a sumo exhibition or morning practice. Everything you ought to know seems included in our guide to Japanese sumo.

Baseball is a much more contemporary sport. An American classic given a Japanese twist, the games are amicable yet energetic, with fervent supporters screaming and singing along almost nonstop from start to finish. Individual battle songs are standard among players, and each squad has its celebrations with balloons and little umbrellas.

During the season, games take place on various days of the week.

You can purchase tickets online, at the stadium, or convenience shops.

10. Go for a Timber Walk

It may surprise you to learn that 68% of Japan is covered in forests and 73% is hilly, but this makes it simple to get away from the bustle and lights of the city and spend time in the great outdoors. So pack a bento box lunch and your hiking shoes and get outside!

Since hiking is a common pastime for people of all ages in Japan, hiking is a popular sport that promotes harmony with and respect for the natural environment. There are beautiful, readily accessible trails to explore in almost every city. There is something to satisfy all skills.

Tastes, from strenuous high peaks—like the famous Fuji-san—to breathtaking riverbank strolls. Moreover, it’s an excellent method of burning off calories from all the mouthwatering food you consume!


Planning a trip to Japan is an exciting endeavor, and this article has provided.

Valuable tips and insights to help travelers make the most of their visit to this beautiful country, from choosing the best time to visit and selecting top travel destinations to experience uniqueness.

Japanese encounters and exploring the great outdoors, there are endless opportunities to create unforgettable memories in Japan.

Japan’s diverse seasons offer a range of experiences, from cherry blossoms in the spring to world-class skiing in the winter. Exploring major cities and lesser-traveled locations allows travelers to immerse themselves in Japanese culture fully. Staying in a traditional ryokan, visiting an onsen, and participating in festivals provide a deeper understanding of the country’s rich traditions.

Additionally, travelers can opt for a Buddhist temple stay to experience spiritual retreats.

Meditation, a sumo match, or a baseball game to witness a different facet of Japanese society. Seeing Japan’s expansive woods and hiking paths provides an opportunity to become in touch with the natural world and take in the beautiful sights of the nation.

In conclusion, Japan offers many experiences for travelers, and careful planning ensures a memorable and enriching visit. Whether you’re interested in cultural immersion, outdoor adventures, or culinary delights, Japan has something to offer everyone. Thus, begin arranging your trip to Japan now and prepare for a fantastic voyage full of unique experiences and discoveries.


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