Best international places to travel with toddlers:


Toddlers, typically defined as children between the ages of one and three, are at a crucial stage of development marked by rapid physical, cognitive, and emotional growth. Consider traveling abroad for the first time with a young child in tow. We’ve got you covered with this list. I posed this question to several families that travel frequently: where should you take your toddler next? Traveling with a little child is not always simple, but once you’re there, it’s always worthwhile.

As you peruse these responses, a prominent recurring motif will become apparent. The trick is the beach, easy access to outdoor activities, and laid-back parent accommodations. As the responses poured in, I discovered I had designated a few places as “adult trips.” Seeing this as a parent myself was very energizing.

Seeing all of these families bring their little ones along is so motivating. Traveling and showing our kids the world is a delight, so waiting until they’re older is unnecessary.

Along with the questions, I also asked these travel authorities to provide some advice on how to make the encounter go more smoothly. I remember how stressful it all seemed when I began planning our first significant vacation overseas with our baby. With any luck, these pointers will inspire you to plan that family vacation.

So, the central question is: What’s next? I’ll use this list when we take our toddler on our next overseas travel. We appreciate all these mothers for sharing their wisdom, insight, and stunning pictures with us!

1. Lesley Murphy of @lesleyannemurphy suggested Fiji.


A favorite place to go when you have a toddler:

Our family’s May vacation to Fiji last year was unforgettable! Nora was 15 months old, and my spouse’s parents also arrived. Fiji is quite toddler-friendly, although I’m not sure any long-haul travel is “Toddlers-friendly”! We stayed at the InterContinental Hotel on Viti Levu, the central island of Fiji. I have never seen hotel employees care about families so much and effectively. Several ladies would often engage with Nora, pick her up, and carry her to another table while carrying food.

Each employee knew her by name, and it was clear that they loved what they did. It’s not something I’ve seen very frequently in the numerous nations and places I’ve been all over the globe, so I liked being a witness to it all. The family plays a significant part in the lives of the Fijian people since it is evident in how they work! In addition, their kid’s club is a lovely space with a climbing wall, sandbox, and playground. The nanny service is also fantastic if you need a babysitter anytime, especially after hours when dinner arrives.

When traveling with toddlers, my best advice to other families is to walk in without expectations. Traveling with little children is challenging, but we do it so they may see the world! Always slow down, take a deep breath, and *enjoy the ride*; it’s beautiful at the end. 

2. Anna Karsten of @Anna.everywhere suggests visiting Paris or French Polynesia.

Paris or French Polynesia

A favorite place to go when you have a toddler:

French Polynesia is my favorite destination for a toddler-friendly foreign vacation. It’s wrong to believe that couples on honeymoon might be the only ones visiting Moorea or Bora Bora and that our two young children will constitute a major attraction for the community.

There are many youngsters there. The overnight flights from California made things more accessible since the kids had just gone to bed. While many kid-friendly activities are available, children might spend hours gazing at the marine life. When we wanted to do something the kids couldn’t engage in, like diving, we could quickly locate babysitters. The locals seemed to have great affection for little children; they even took our younger son to play so we could dine peacefully. Undoubtedly, I would come back.

Paris would have answered this question if my elder son had been replying. Given its bustling nature and lack of amenities, there are better places for babies or toddlers than Paris. Still, my kids had a great time and are asking about returning soon. There is always a lot to see and do, including museums, exhibits, and nearby castles and landmarks (you’d not believe how fascinating the Louve can seem even for little children!).

There was also always a playground with a view.

When traveling with a Toddler, my most excellent advice to other families would be to go, disregarding any advice from others that the place isn’t suitable for young children.

3. According to Lauren Wells of @Laurenswells, the Balearic Islands

Balearic Islands

A favorite place to go when you have a toddler:

It is challenging to choose just one vacation since they’ve all been so amazing, but we love summers in Europe. Since the Balearic Islands are our favorite travel with toddler destinations worldwide, Majorca, Minorca, and Formentera would be on my list. Gorgeous lodging options, mouthwatering cuisine, breathtaking scenery, friendly locals, and family-friendly beaches abound.

When people ask me for travel advice when traveling with a child, I always respond the same way. Go now! Every journey will boost your family’s confidence in traveling, and you’ll discover how little “stuff” you need to bring. Things that are still the most crucial are diapers and a sense of humor!

4. Seasons of Four Nevis & Disney World Florida, per @Filipajackson’s recommendation


A beloved location while traveling with a toddler:

We disregarded the advice that having children would end our travels. We made the most of our trips before we had to pay for their airplane tickets (age 2) since we had two little children under three. From opulent vacations to affordable choices, we’ve done it all.

Four Seasons Nevis: After having kids, we were shocked to discover that this resort—which had previously featured one of our favorites—remained our favorite.

With more monkeys than humans, it’s a paradise pocket and the perfect getaway from the real world. For young ones, there is also plenty of stuff to do. There are many splash areas, pools, child clubs, and kid-friendly facilities like activity centers, diaper pails, cots, and the cutest tiny robes. For children under five, food is even free! It is remarkable, particularly for an exclusive resort. Every staff member is very kind and sympathetic to your child’s demands and your own.

Disney World:

Who knew taking your children under three would be the finest time to visit the theme park!? For what reason? as they’re at no cost! Yes, complimentary meals at restaurants and free admission. In addition, many activities are available, such as parades and rides, which kids may essentially ride all of! It won’t be the most laid-back vacation, but it becomes unforgettable. Although the Marriott World Centre isn’t a resort park, it is more reasonably priced, has free shuttle service to and from the garden, and gives benefits to Marriott Bonvoy members. That’s why we stayed there.

Travel advice for a toddler: The following applies to Disney World: Before it sells out, get the Genie as soon as possible in the morning. Although costly, you can see and accomplish so much more with it! To locate your stroller amid the hundreds of others at the stroller parking, you should attach a balloon to it if you bring one.

5. A recommendation from Andreia of @HeyAndieHey is Bordeaux and Copenhagen.


My two favorite places to go with a child were Bordeaux and Copenhagen. Bordeaux is a beautiful city that welcomes strollers and where it’s relatively simple to locate changing rooms in coffee shops and restaurants. With its parks, canals, and vibrant homes, Copenhagen is a must-see if you travel with children.

Travel with Toddlers advice for little children:

  • Modify your anticipations
  • Make sensible book selections.
  • Avoid overpacking
  • Prepare for the police.

Invest in a stroller suitable for traveling; we use the Babyzen Yoyo.


Fiji is an excellent option for families traveling with Toddlers abroad because of its welcoming resorts and warm climate. French Polynesia is also perfect, offering breathtaking landscapes and an unexpectedly friendly, family-friendly vibe. Discover the European Balearic Islands for their stunning beaches and laid-back vibe. Regarding luxury, Four Seasons Nevis provides a haven of activities for little children. Don’t forget about Disney World Florida, where entrance and meals are free for children under three. Finally, Bordeaux and Copenhagen are two quaint cities with services suitable for toddlers and a lively environment. To ensure a seamless family experience, remember to lower expectations and make sensible preparations.


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