Turkish Drinks 


Some of the most well-liked beverages in the world are Turkish ones. They are widespread outside Turkey’s boundaries and have existed for centuries. Not only do they keep people hydrated on sweltering summer days and warm and healthy throughout the winter, but Turkish people adore them simply because they taste good! Turkey’s culture and way of life heavily revolve around traditional beverages in various flavors to satisfy any palate. In this blog article, we’ll look at ten well-known Turkish drinks that will have your mouth watering! We will go over how to make and enjoy Turkish cocktails, so be ready for extensive instruction on these popular beverages.

11 Most Traditional Turkish Drinks To Sip On Turkey’s Culture

Traditional Turkish Drinks Non-Alcoholic

1. Turkish Coffee:

You’re about to experience one of the oldest techniques of making coffee. The distinct flavor comprises rich, black coffee, frothy foam, and a hint of ground bean bitterness. Presumably, a fortune teller—or, more likely, a wise companion—deciphers the inscriptions on the coffee grounds at the base of the cup as one savors this uncommon variety of boiled and ingested coffee.

Turkish Coffee,Turkish Drinks 

 As you savor each drink, the thin-lipped cup’s shape and the protective foam keep the coffee hotter for longer. Following a satisfying dinner with coffee is a deeply ingrained Turkish custom. It’s crucial to set aside room for it because of this. Always get a cool glass of water with your coffee. This is to make the palate cleaner. Most individuals enjoy receiving a cup of Turkish coffee as an expression of benevolence within the community.

 A Turkish saying goes, “A cup of coffee is respect for forty years.”

2. Turkish Tea

Before the 1950s, when the price of coffee beans shot through the roof during World War II, tea was not a popular beverage in Turkey. Black tea, which grows in Turkey and has a high caffeine content, became popular among Turkish people hooked to coffee and sought an alternative.

Turkish Tea,Turkish Drinks 

Turkey now consumes 3.2 kg of tea per person yearly, the most significant amount drunk worldwide. Turkish tea is drunk from tulip-shaped cups throughout the day, especially in the morning.

The better the tea, the more intense, stronger, and redder. The term “tavşan kanı,” which means “rabbit blood” in Turkish, describes its intensely crimson color—an ideal way to approve tea before you drink it!

3. Ayran (Turkish yogurt drink)

Ayran (Turkish yogurt drink),Turkish Drinks 

Turkey is home to the refreshing yogurt-based beverage known as Ayran. This traditional technique to combat the heat has been drinking this cooled, somewhat sour, and salty beverage for ages. Because it goes well with many Turkish cuisines, such as meat dishes, kebabs, gözleme, börek, lahmacun, and pide, Aryan is a popular beverage in Turkey.

While almost all Turkish restaurants have bottled ayran, the most excellent spots to enjoy this Turkish beverage are those offering it in handmade, frothy cups! Typically, “yayik ayran” refers to handmade ayran. Use any yogurt that you have on hand to create ayran. Add water while mixing the yogurt and salt to attain the desired consistency.

4. Boza – Fermented Millet Beverage

If your travels lead you to Turkey during the winter, you must try Boza, one of the strangest and oldest Turkish beverages. While fermented wheat or bulgur are other prominent ingredients in Boza, the traditional Turkish preparation is millet. 

Boza is a thick, chilled fermented drink topped with crispy roasted chickpeas and cinnamon.

The distinct flavor combines tart and sweet notes. We became enamored with Boza when we first tried it and learned about Balkan regional cuisine.

In Turkey, we also relished Boza, especially the fantastic crunch of the roasted chickpeas, which we had never experienced before. According to reports, Boza offers a variety of nutritional advantages for both athletes and pregnant or nursing mothers.

During the colder months, you may find these classic Turkish beverages readily accessible.

5.Şalgam Suyu (Pickled Turnip Juice)

Pickled turnip juice, known as turnips when ordered, originates from the mustard family. This pleasantly tangy beverage is trendy in the Cukurova (South Central) area of Türkiye. Places like Adana, Mersin, and Hatay are among the roots. These beets are mixed with water and salt to form a basic pickle.

Şalgam Suyu (Pickled Turnip Juice)

The redness comes from using black carrots—a favorite drink to complement hefty meat meals.

6. Salep

Traditionally consumed hot and strong with cinnamon, salep is a concoction of powdered orchid roots, milk, and sugar, especially in winter. Gathering and crushing the underground tubers of wild orchids—also known as salep—and then pulverizing them is necessary to make this traditional Turkish beverage. Because orchid roots contain a lot of starch, they give the milk a thick, custard-like consistency when combined. Turkish ice cream uses salep powder as a central component because it produces a rich, chewy delicacy.

7. Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice

The pomegranate symbolizes fertility, abundance, and beauty in Turkish mythology.

This fantastic fruit is available everywhere in Turkey, and it makes sense. Detoxification and cholesterol reduction are just two of the many health benefits attributed to this delicious treat’s refreshing, antioxidant-rich juice.

Before you even begin searching for this zesty yet delectable beverage, you will likely come across numerous stands in Istanbul that are freshly juicing it.

8. Nane Limon (dried mint and lemon)

To make Nane Limon, a classic Turkish beverage, boil a lemon slice with dried mint. Every mother in Turkey claims that this efficient winter warmer shields people from the cold and helps fight seasonal sniffles.

The drink often contains honey and fresh black pepper leaves to enhance its effectiveness.

While not a well-known drink for foreigners or visitors, it is one of the most popular beverages in winter among Turkish people.

9. Sherbet – Fruit Juice

A pleasantly refreshing traditional Turkish beverage is Sherbet. It is still a beloved beverage from the Ottoman Empire that is popular and excellent today. Mango, pineapple, orange, lemon, rose, and sandalwood are the fruits, flowers, and herbs used to make Turkish Sherbet. 

To make a sweet syrup, combine sugar and water, then serve cold Sherbet with more water to thin the syrup. A common beverage to drink during Ramadan meals that break the fast is sherbet.

Sherbet – Fruit Juice

During a food tour in Izmir, we had sherbet for the first time, and we were pleasantly surprised by its lightly sweet, refreshing flavor. One of our favorite flavors of Sherbet was with a hint of tamarind. With its zesty undertones and not-too-sweet taste, this particular Sherbet was a staple in the Ottoman Palace. Another well-liked sherbet variant that’s worth trying is rose syrup.

Tastefully refreshing and healthful, Turkish Sherbet is a pleasant beverage to enjoy in Turkey.

Turkish Alcoholic Drinks

10. Efes – Turkish Beer

In 1969, Turkey launched its first beer, Efes. It is now available in more than 70 countries and is one of Turkey’s most well-known beer brands. 

According to legend, Ephesus, the most significant ancient Greek city, inspired the name Efes.

Izmir, in the same region as the historic ruins of Ephesus, is home to the brewery that makes Efes beer.

The most popular alcoholic beverage is Efes Pilsener, an award-winning beer I like.

It was refreshing, well-balanced, and light—but not too light.

In addition to Efes Pilsner, options include Efes Dark, Efes Malt, and Efes Xtra.

Beer is available in several taverns and restaurants, as well as stores. 

Turkey is a Muslim nation that forbids the use of alcohol. Hence, there are rules and limitations on beer.

Nevertheless, Efes beer is widely available in bigger towns and is among the most well-liked Turkish beverages.

11. Raki – Turkiye’s National Alcoholic Drink

Rakı is one of the most well-known and well-liked beverages in Turkey. (Yes, there is no title above the “I.”) It is an alcoholic beverage that is colorless and often served with ice and water. Most people add ice and water to make it seem more creamy and smoother. The method of making rakı involves processing grapes and anise. Many folks are sipping on a few glasses with friends after work at sunset, having some mezes, listening to music, and talking the night away. Drinks!


Turkish drinks provide taste and hydration and are integral to Turkish culture and daily life. The most well-liked non-alcoholic drinks include Turkish tea, coffee, and yogurt drinks called Ayran. Coffee is a thick, dark liquid that tastes bitter from ground beans and foams up. Turkey consumes 3.2 kg of tea annually per person, making it a highly caffeinated beverage. Ayran is a salty, sour, and refreshing drink that goes well with various Turkish dishes.

Topped with cinnamon and roasted chickpeas, boza, a fermented millet beverage, is a favorite wintertime beverage in Turkey. It provides athletes and pregnant or nursing moms with nutritional advantages. Şalgam Suyu, pickled turnip juice, salep, pomegranate juice, Nane Limon, sherbet, and Efes beer are typical Turkish drinks. In the Cukurova region of Turkey, turnips are a favorite dish, while salep is a mixture of sugar, milk, and powdered orchid roots. Nane Limon is a winter warmer made with honey and black pepper leaves, and pomegranate juice contains nutrients and health benefits. During the holy month of Ramadan, the famous beer brand Efes is a popular choice for breaking fasts and is available in more than 70 countries.

Turkey’s national alcoholic beverage, raki, comes in a colorless glass with ice and water.


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